
What is Advance Parol?

In certain circumstances, aliens currently in the United States awaiting adjustment of status (and those with certain protected status such as refugees, asylum grantees or those with temporary protected status) are able to apply for Advance Parole allowing them to travel abroad. With Advance Parole, the alien may return to the United States without requiring a visa and the alien’s pending adjustment of status (or protected status) is preserved.

The procedure for obtaining advance parole is relatively simple although it is always wise to consult with your immigration lawyer before taking any steps toward leaving the country. If, for example, you were unlawfully present in the United States for more than six months, you would be subject to the automatic three year ban on re-entry into the United States despite having obtained Advance Parole. The automatic ban is ten years if you were unlawfully present in the United States for more than one year.

The application process takes approximately two to three months and generally an interview is not required.

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